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Viestit - befani

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Yleinen keskustelu / Vs: Kiira Korpi
« : Tammikuu 26, 2009, 13:06:03 »
Hi..Kiira had been very unlucky and I think she is more emotional than Laura..thr technical elements and difficulties are the same of Lepisto..but the emotion changes the situation..

I'm Italian but Laura deserves the gold medal...but the most imprtant is the bronze of Poykio...good come back after one year out

but  GO KIIRA GO.... :D


Yleinen keskustelu / Vs: Kiira Korpi
« : Kesäkuu 26, 2008, 20:14:12 »
Kesäisiä kaunottaria
Onko Kiirassa naapurintyttömäistä vetovoimaa?
IL: Kuka heistä on Neiti Kesäheinä?
IL: Naapurintyttö?

Thanks..I gave my vote and I think you know to whom I voted....:-D :-D

The more I see Kiira the more beautiful she is...every time with new haircut... :D :D

I hope that when I'll meet her in Lahti (Valio stand in Farmari fair) and in Tampere, she will give me a big smile to catch ia a picture... :) :) :) :) :) :)

I'm Italian and in Italy there are many many beautiful girls..but Kiira is absolutely the best and the most stunning and cute..lovely.. :D

Yleinen keskustelu / Vs: Kiira Korpi
« : Kesäkuu 02, 2008, 19:05:33 »
Hi..I'm Gianluca from Milano -Italy
I'm new of this forum but I'm a big fan of Tappara Hockey and,most of all,of the BEAUTIFUL,STUNNING,CUTE AND TENDER KIIRA KORPI.. ;D ;D ;D ;D

I'd like to have some info..I'll be in Tampere from 1 to 5 of September...I'd like to see Tappara player and Kiira training..
Is Hakametsa Hall opened?...is possible Kiira will be training in those days?
I know she'll attend the University..so I suppose she'll be at home
please answer me

thanks from Italy


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